Saturday, 7 January 2012

Adventures in Pure Health

I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, but I found New Year's Day this year a little challenging.  My brother died suddenly at the age of 40 in a car accident 18 months, ago, and so New Year's Day this year for me marked another year without my brother, another year where I would be getting older, and hopefully wiser, but my brother, who was part of my whole life, remains frozen in time, space, and memories.

So this year I decided to set my resolve for the rest of my life, knowing that life may cease to exist when you least expect it to.

My resolution?  Pure Health through a Life of Adventure.

Healthy living doesn't have to be boring, or a chore, or time-consuming, or difficult.  It should be simple, exciting, inspiring, in fact our natural state of being.

Having said that, pure health seems to be a difficult target for many to achieve.  And it is often close to impossible for many pets, who lack sovereignty over most decisions affecting their life.

So our focus for this year's blogs is going to be 12 essential elements of health, indispensible facets of healthy living that affect us as much as they do our furry friends.  Pure health is not achievable if you focus only on one aspect. There are many elements of health, all of which must be in balance. 

So what are the most essential Elements of Health?  Here is our list, inspired by Dr Douglas Graham of raw vegan 80/10/10 fame:

Clean Fresh Air & Pure Water
Natural Diet
Vigorous Activity
Sufficient Sleep & Rest
Meditation & Cogitation
Companionship, Love & Appreciation
Play, Recreation, Amusement & Entertainment
Pleasant Environment
Emotional Stability
Security & Sovereignty
Creative, Useful Work

This list is by no means exhaustive, however these are all aspects of health that I consider to be indispensible. Our pets are experts at all of these things when given the chance.

Stay tuned through the year to learn how each of these elements affects our pets, how to improve each facet of health for your pet (and in turn for yourself), and discover your own Adventure in Pure Health!

Monique & Miyuki looking forward to our Adventures!


  1. I shall be joining you on this journey xx

  2. Now that's a grand resolution! Looking forward to your future posts as you incorporate them :)

    Waggin at ya,

  3. Dr Renee, I was sorry to hear about you loss, and I can see how it makes us realise we have to make the best of the time we have. I'll look forward to posts on these kinds of subjects, because I agree that it's our job to do the best for our dog, seeing we have taken them into our homes and don't give them choices about how to live.
